Hello peeps...
What's been buzzing lately? Hmmm, let me see... yup, the hot and sensational Royal couple was in Malaysia... auw auw... People are still talking about the fuss of those slackers showing their bums and stepping on their 1M leader. Big deal, of course. Oh and that 'big foot' guy is still finding it hard to look for the right pair of shoes for his date. Thanks to Reebok Malaysia for solving that matter! Kudos...
Here's the thing, apart from those insignificant rambling, I was just having a solid, hard day last Friday. It started perfectly fine as I woke up early in the morning. A fresh start, I'd say. As usual, I went to my class at 8. Sharp. Two girls were there. 8.15: Three more students came in. 8.30: Three more. (Sigh). I wanted to return their test papers and discuss 'em. I was flabbergasted as one of the 'cool' dudes approached me and said this:
"The thing is, errm...our ticket is at XXX and I was wondering if you could let us go at XXX".
You may take your guess but I would not be throwing my blistering criticism if it was sensible! That's a total nonsensicality!!!
To fuel up my acridness, the class was still "hollow" and one by one started to fill in the empty spots. How frustrating to start your 'unclouded' Friday. Thanks to them, I threw the papers on the floor and made them collect them on their own. A fit eyh?!
If you do not have a sense of respect towards others, why bother labeling yourself as "good" and "innocent" kids?! To begin with, your marks are not that "great" anyway and I have a foreboding that some of you might fail my paper! Wake up guys! Stop daydreaming! As I was cooling down (I thought it was raining on my dynamite blast), I asked some of them about 'the Raya assignment'. That was ages ago. Their response was; "Tak siap lagi, sir...sikit lagi!"
Sikit lagi my foot, ok!
See how my Friday started? Great, wasn't it?! So, I have come to a closure and this is my theory. There are four levels of stupidity. Auww, that is so cute! Urgh. Here they are:-
1) Bimbo - When you act clueless with your innocence and naive-ness.
2) Stupid - When you know what you are doing is wrong and you do it anyway.
3) Ignorant - When you know it is wrong and you refuse to accept the truth plus your ego is raging up.
4) Beyond idiotic - This is when an idiotic idiot constantly being ignorant. He is incredibly annoying and refuses to accept any word of advice. Is he retarded or something?!!! Seriously!
Well, that pretty much sums up my Friday morning. I was so frustrated with their ignorance. I left the class right after I have discussed their papers unwillingly. Guess what guys, your wish was granted anyway. You did ask me to let you off early to catch your buses, right?!
Toodles :)