Sunday, November 16, 2008

I'm Home!!!

Yes, I'm home..safely...Alhamdulillah. The best part was, I made a conversation with the pak cik bus driver. He was so nice!!!! He was more like a father...I even told him my problem. We talked and talked and talked (except he was driving and I distracted him, mostly) Gosht... and I did not even sleep all the way to Terengganu!!!

Along the way, I saw some eerie (xde la sampai eerie) accidents. There was this car, a Honda Civic 1.6 if I'm not mistaken. It was on the divider. Jahanam kete tu weh. Isy... Then, ade jugak kete Kancil kene langgar from behind...isy, was raining mase tu...Jalan licin maybe. Ade jugak sorang akak Bangla, agent nak anta dy p Kemaman Terengganu keje kot. Name Bangla dy Bakhu. Cantik sangat dy pnye traditional outfit. Unfortunately, she did not understand what I was saying. I even offered her roti, but she was like....x paham...but she was nice too. Oh well...

I am so happy...jumpe and salam dgn my atuk, Tok Bob..He is doing quite well I think. I dunno, perhaps, it's too soon to tell. I love him so much.. Lucky that he still remembers me! Alhamdulillah. I wanna spend my days with him. Maybe I wont be going to KK afterall. Eh x boleh, nanti nk main dgn my babies cmne...huhuhu...

Alaa...petang ni kene jumpe my 'fren' kat UiTM Dungun. Name dy Harith. Dy nak tumpang letak barang kt umah. Dorang kene kosongkan hostel. Huhuhu..maybe I'll go around 5pm. The weather now sucks. It rains a bit and it stops raining. Then it rains again. Ayya.

That's all for now, I oughta take my shower now...nda mandi lagi ini..huhu...;p

Happy Holiday peeps!!!

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