U kno wat they say; "Home sweet home!"...indeed, it is. It is so nice to be here again. Oh well, nice is nice. Such ambiguous word, kills me in no time.
I finished 'sketching' my timetable for next round. Tuesday is the new day for 'freedom'! I must admit that the 'sketch' is absurdly hideous! Yucks...
I guess my aim for this new 'round' would be...TO IMPROVE! I am so shockingly impressed by this person...Ops...can't tell you who is him and why Mr Bloggy! He is so like...WOW! That's the only word to depict him. Tho, he is not in the stream, but....WOW!!!
I have to read, read and read more! I guess that's when 'double the effort' comes in. Darn! I was terribly defeated by him. Snap, I am such a petty!!!! Fuuuuuuuckkkkkk!!!!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
My Activities For Next Week!
21/12 - Go to PPD, got appointment with Tuan Haji Hanid, PPD Caunselor, go to the laundry.
22/12 - Go to Kedai Komputer East Coast, amik barang, Pegi kutip duit sewa from En Syed Hashim.
23/12 - Go to the clinic, pick up sum drugs b4 goin back to Shah Alam, Pharmacy as well..
24/12 - Go to Mydin, Watson n wherever to buy sum stuffs.., cari available and worth resort to visit for my next vacation...(browse je)
25/12 - No activity. Duk kt umah je kot...or maybe g Pasar Minggu.
26/12 - Fetch Harith at bus station, go to UiTM Dungun, send his stuffs back...lepak kat pantai.
27/12 - g pantai (Got a small bday party with sum frens and family members-noon! damn it!), Ride the bus to Shah Alam (11pm)
That's all so far.
22/12 - Go to Kedai Komputer East Coast, amik barang, Pegi kutip duit sewa from En Syed Hashim.
23/12 - Go to the clinic, pick up sum drugs b4 goin back to Shah Alam, Pharmacy as well..
24/12 - Go to Mydin, Watson n wherever to buy sum stuffs.., cari available and worth resort to visit for my next vacation...(browse je)
25/12 - No activity. Duk kt umah je kot...or maybe g Pasar Minggu.
26/12 - Fetch Harith at bus station, go to UiTM Dungun, send his stuffs back...lepak kat pantai.
27/12 - g pantai (Got a small bday party with sum frens and family members-noon! damn it!), Ride the bus to Shah Alam (11pm)
That's all so far.
Kejoraku Bersatu
Gosht...I went to a karaoke house dis evening. It was so much fun. It was my abang's idea at first. I asked if I could bring sum frens. Of course. So, we drove separately.
Seriously, I never thot of experiencing such nice n pleasant Karaoke House. It belongs to a Chinese guy. There are plenty rooms...not cubes. The audio n video system is marvelous! I was like..WOW!
It's kinda cold inside. We were greeted with smile n warmth tho. I think, it's best for me to label the Karaoke House as one of the best I've been to. There was this Karaoke Centre in Kuantan which is still the best so far.
Unlike the one I've been in Shah Alam, the songs collection are wider! There are even songs which I bet we've never heard before! The systems are up-to-the date (the date that I'm writing). The price is OK. RM1 for 1 song. They provide free Coca-cola too! I bet they are rich peeps!
What I meant by 2nd b4 worst is my singing. Ahaa. I sang terribly (of course) But, I did my best. We paid for 28 songs. Oh I asked my friend, Bad to join.
Because of the collection, I could not make up my mind. So, I chose to sing some Carpenter's songs, Michael Bolton's, Al Green...n some oldies.
The best part is my brothers n Bad x ngaku kawan...sedey woo....they said, "X penah pulak aku dengar lagu2 ni!" Ayya...seemed like I was the only one who knows the EXISTENCE of those songs.
Oh well...I had so much fun...I've let go EVERYTHING! sakit cucu-cicit tekak aku ni!!! The worst part was when they start singing 'lagu tarik-tarik'...I laughed and laughed. ps-Haikal, suare awak x sedap langsung..pesanan ikhlas dari abangmu!...I must admit, my abang's voice is quite nice. No wonder he is the lead in his band. Tu yang slalu memekak jamming kat bilik blakang umah aku tu!!!
For the nyanyi ramai-ramai...we sang some of the songs WE know and familiar with. X bole belah, aku nyanyi salah key and tune lagu KEJORAKU BERSATU... I think dat's d title....buruk tahap tanah liat dowh!
After that, we hit the Coffee House near the beach. I had Mee Goreng Basah yang sangat basah. Overall, I had fun! Serious fun!
Seriously, I never thot of experiencing such nice n pleasant Karaoke House. It belongs to a Chinese guy. There are plenty rooms...not cubes. The audio n video system is marvelous! I was like..WOW!
It's kinda cold inside. We were greeted with smile n warmth tho. I think, it's best for me to label the Karaoke House as one of the best I've been to. There was this Karaoke Centre in Kuantan which is still the best so far.
Unlike the one I've been in Shah Alam, the songs collection are wider! There are even songs which I bet we've never heard before! The systems are up-to-the date (the date that I'm writing). The price is OK. RM1 for 1 song. They provide free Coca-cola too! I bet they are rich peeps!
What I meant by 2nd b4 worst is my singing. Ahaa. I sang terribly (of course) But, I did my best. We paid for 28 songs. Oh I asked my friend, Bad to join.
Because of the collection, I could not make up my mind. So, I chose to sing some Carpenter's songs, Michael Bolton's, Al Green...n some oldies.
The best part is my brothers n Bad x ngaku kawan...sedey woo....they said, "X penah pulak aku dengar lagu2 ni!" Ayya...seemed like I was the only one who knows the EXISTENCE of those songs.
Oh well...I had so much fun...I've let go EVERYTHING! sakit cucu-cicit tekak aku ni!!! The worst part was when they start singing 'lagu tarik-tarik'...I laughed and laughed. ps-Haikal, suare awak x sedap langsung..pesanan ikhlas dari abangmu!...I must admit, my abang's voice is quite nice. No wonder he is the lead in his band. Tu yang slalu memekak jamming kat bilik blakang umah aku tu!!!
For the nyanyi ramai-ramai...we sang some of the songs WE know and familiar with. X bole belah, aku nyanyi salah key and tune lagu KEJORAKU BERSATU... I think dat's d title....buruk tahap tanah liat dowh!
After that, we hit the Coffee House near the beach. I had Mee Goreng Basah yang sangat basah. Overall, I had fun! Serious fun!
Firhan punye pasal, x pe la...
The last person to tag you is?
Khairul Firhan B Yusob. b4 him- NobodyWhat relationship do you have with him/her?
A good friend of mine.
Your 5 impressions towards him/her?
1. Committed (Even tho he prioritizes his sleep)..ops
2. Kind
3. Kaki gosip jugak...
4. Too tall
5. I like to think that he's good...coz he really is. Really good friend.
The most memorable thing he/she had done for you?
Err...better keep it discreet...;p
If he/she becomes your lover, you will...
Err...I probably consider myself dead...jgn marah ye..
If he/she becomes your enemy, you will...
Forgive n forget, I think..
If he/she becomes your lover, he/she has to improve on...
What d fuck is this???
If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason is...
How on earth should I kno???
How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
I think they r annoyed by me...but I think they're nice bunch of peeps..
The character for yourself is?
Shy...;p..ahax..jgn marah..;p
The most ideal person you want to be is?
Rasulullah s.a.w..WOW..dat's wat I kno I can't b..err...just myself I guess.
For the person who cares and likes you, say something about them.
Thanx...but you are too YOUNG for me babe.
Ten people to tag.
I don't think I am in d mood to tag people rite now.
Who is no.2 having a relationship with?
Not in the list babe.
Is no.3 a male or female?
Not in the list.
If no.7 and no.10 were to be together, would it be a good thing?
Not in the list.
How about no.5 and no.8?
Not in the list as well!
What is no.1 studying?
Oh, I lost the list!
When was the last time you had a chat with them?
Do I need to answer this?
Is no.4 single?
Say something about no.2.
Invisible. Period.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Cheerie Night
Last night was a dazzling night to remember for me. Lights were everywhere. The crowd. They were so crazy. I guess, that's what they call a 'wild night'. Thank you Afi, Chong, Joe and Bad for showing me the night life. I never thought Dungun can be so alive at the middle of the night?! Damn.
The idea was simple. We were thinking of celebrating and anjoying ourselves after the painful semester's result. Oh, I misspelled 'anjoy' on purpose actually. Ahax...it's my friend, Bad who pronounced it that way...he's weird.
It was crazy. People singing and dancing on the stage. Whatever those songs were. I was caught for migraine for a minute or two back then. Huhu... And I sweat a lot too. I was so shy last night. That's why I could not say a word to...ehem ehem.....kekeke...
I guess Chong Wei Seng is not a bad boy afterall. He's underage tho... He is 16yo and going to be 17 soon. Good luck for ur SPM next year dude! He was an introvert like me...his face really reminds me of someone...oh yeah, Ikram...he looks exactly like Ikram, my TESL friend. He is 176cm tall btw. What a short and petite boy I am.
All in all, I had fun last night. I think I deserve those afterall these few weeks. I got home in such a mess. It was already 6.01 in the morning. I was there since 1.45am. The place was a wreck. I did feel shaky and kinda 'boat-sinking' feeling...oh boy. I miss my childhood.
We were running on the road, near the beach. It was dark. We headed to the playground near the beach. We've tried everything. The funniest part was when Bad sat on the buaian and bende tu runtuh! OMG...dat was hilarrious..pssst, Bad, we know it's not ur fault...ahahahahahaha..dat was a great laugh for a year!!!
I wish to meet them again..soon perhaps..I don't know.... If only I can cure this shyness in me!! Damn...
p/s-Shy la sgt......
p/s-Thanx Abang Keputusan!!!
The idea was simple. We were thinking of celebrating and anjoying ourselves after the painful semester's result. Oh, I misspelled 'anjoy' on purpose actually. Ahax...it's my friend, Bad who pronounced it that way...he's weird.
It was crazy. People singing and dancing on the stage. Whatever those songs were. I was caught for migraine for a minute or two back then. Huhu... And I sweat a lot too. I was so shy last night. That's why I could not say a word to...ehem ehem.....kekeke...
I guess Chong Wei Seng is not a bad boy afterall. He's underage tho... He is 16yo and going to be 17 soon. Good luck for ur SPM next year dude! He was an introvert like me...his face really reminds me of someone...oh yeah, Ikram...he looks exactly like Ikram, my TESL friend. He is 176cm tall btw. What a short and petite boy I am.
All in all, I had fun last night. I think I deserve those afterall these few weeks. I got home in such a mess. It was already 6.01 in the morning. I was there since 1.45am. The place was a wreck. I did feel shaky and kinda 'boat-sinking' feeling...oh boy. I miss my childhood.
We were running on the road, near the beach. It was dark. We headed to the playground near the beach. We've tried everything. The funniest part was when Bad sat on the buaian and bende tu runtuh! OMG...dat was hilarrious..pssst, Bad, we know it's not ur fault...ahahahahahaha..dat was a great laugh for a year!!!
I wish to meet them again..soon perhaps..I don't know.... If only I can cure this shyness in me!! Damn...
p/s-Shy la sgt......
p/s-Thanx Abang Keputusan!!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Bilakah Abang Result mahu menonjolkan diri??
Adoi..penatnye...bosannye...tensyennye...bilakah keputusan peperiksaan semester lepas akan keluar? Aku masih menanti...adoi....
Bila aku nk tanam Combi ni....hmmm..I think it's dead already...anyway, it's nice to talk to my favourite ustazah last night...huhu...
Lastly, thanx tajul n naz for helping me out last night....u guys r such great frenz...
Ayya...bilakah keputusan peperiksaan semester lepas akan dikeluarken? apakah itu mesyuarat senat? UiTM di hatiku....
Bila aku nk tanam Combi ni....hmmm..I think it's dead already...anyway, it's nice to talk to my favourite ustazah last night...huhu...
Lastly, thanx tajul n naz for helping me out last night....u guys r such great frenz...
Ayya...bilakah keputusan peperiksaan semester lepas akan dikeluarken? apakah itu mesyuarat senat? UiTM di hatiku....
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Just a memory...
They are twins. Yellow in color. And they are motherless. Pity them. I took the honor of taking care of them. I even put them to my female feline. I was thinking of "ibu tumpang"..and she did a good job tho... Thanx whatever her name is.

It was OK for couple of days. Then... The small kitties started to show a degrading in their health. I was worried. I phoned my bro..He told me to bring them to the vets. That's what I did. The vet gave me something..food and vitamins I think. That costs me a good money. I explained to him that those kitties only know how to eat but not how to drink. The vet clearly told me that they need their mother to teach them those stuffs. Hmm...what a sigh.
The next day, quite ok I think. They played with the rest of the 'gigantic' dominants in the house. I mean, the bigger cats. Ahax. I bathed them last week. Cleaned them with Purina Shampoo for cats (Friskies). So, the next bath will be on next two weeks (supposedly). Boy, it was hard to get them cleaned. Together with my other cats. Pheew... Oh, they smelled very pleasant tho.. I felt like licking them...yummy ;p
On the 15 of December, two of those kitties slowly responded to the meals I provided. I gave them basically the same thing as others (Whiskas, yang cair tu..not the crunchy tuna)..I was expecting the one with a shorter tail would die first... Come to my surprise, the next day...TWO of them died, hugging each other in their box house. I am so sorry for them....
I wish I could take a better care of them... I really am sorry for you guys. I burried them that evening. I did tell my friend about it, just to share my grief...Oh well... Today, I am already missing them. I even named them..Minah, Bibah and Combi.... Now. only Combi left for me. I will take a good care of him or her...whatever the exact gender is...
I am so sorry for those who died...Maybe it was my fault, I dunno... I wonder why they died... It's weird. Or maybe the climate was not for them...I mean my house. It is just another memory for me. I hope tomorrow will be a better day. Hmm...I wonder why the result has not come out yet..Maybe tomorrow.

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