They are twins. Yellow in color. And they are motherless. Pity them. I took the honor of taking care of them. I even put them to my female feline. I was thinking of "ibu tumpang"..and she did a good job tho... Thanx whatever her name is.

It was OK for couple of days. Then... The small kitties started to show a degrading in their health. I was worried. I phoned my bro..He told me to bring them to the vets. That's what I did. The vet gave me and vitamins I think. That costs me a good money. I explained to him that those kitties only know how to eat but not how to drink. The vet clearly told me that they need their mother to teach them those stuffs. Hmm...what a sigh.
The next day, quite ok I think. They played with the rest of the 'gigantic' dominants in the house. I mean, the bigger cats. Ahax. I bathed them last week. Cleaned them with Purina Shampoo for cats (Friskies). So, the next bath will be on next two weeks (supposedly). Boy, it was hard to get them cleaned. Together with my other cats. Pheew... Oh, they smelled very pleasant tho.. I felt like licking them...yummy ;p
On the 15 of December, two of those kitties slowly responded to the meals I provided. I gave them basically the same thing as others (Whiskas, yang cair tu..not the crunchy tuna)..I was expecting the one with a shorter tail would die first... Come to my surprise, the next day...TWO of them died, hugging each other in their box house. I am so sorry for them....
I wish I could take a better care of them... I really am sorry for you guys. I burried them that evening. I did tell my friend about it, just to share my grief...Oh well... Today, I am already missing them. I even named them..Minah, Bibah and Combi.... Now. only Combi left for me. I will take a good care of him or her...whatever the exact gender is...
I am so sorry for those who died...Maybe it was my fault, I dunno... I wonder why they died... It's weird. Or maybe the climate was not for them...I mean my house. It is just another memory for me. I hope tomorrow will be a better day. Hmm...I wonder why the result has not come out yet..Maybe tomorrow.

AAH!! Comelnye!!
sian dorang....;(
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