Sometimes, we question abundantly of why, what, where and when in our lives. It is true that people become smart by asking questions... Everyone wants to know this and that, cum on..it is not 'cool' for not knowing. I want to know the truth too, yet I need to see the facts first!!! Show me the blueprint of truth and wisdom!!!!
Will there be a time when people stop questioning their fate and fairytale..or not-so-fairytale destiny and start to look ahead, plan and toil for what is being offered??? Will there? Everyone is imperfect. Nobody is flawless...cut the crap already! Stop having the guilt and start afresh as a somebody instead of a nobody/ur past! I am done with people who do not enclose their mind in their brain! Are they brainless? (Cool down niza)
Reset. Start from zero. So what if you r not a shining star??? Miracle don't just drop by...there must be reason for everything. If you are not accepted in Club No. 1, just walk in Club No. 2. They are just as ignorance as we are! Nobody's better than you, it is just you who think they are when they are not...(what...wtf??)
I think it is time for me to stop questioning and start assembling my life (with fabrication here and there of course!). Waiting does not do any good to me anymore. I have to work!!! WORK!!!
Since when winning is not enough? Do you have to stab us (Literally and figuratively)? Talk about those zionists ha? Your glass is already full. Mine is just half from yours. Why can't you let me achieve some more? Why do you have to stop me? Why it is always you who shines? Why?
Notice how I question and ask some more? What, why...what why... Give me a reason? Show me a reason? Provide me a reason? Huh??? CRAP. Enough. Let's close the chapter okay. Let us reset and start LIVING. I need space too darling.
I am already dead at heart... It's been a while. TRUST? Sounds like LUST to me..What is 'trust' without 'price'? Honesty is a flavor. One may choose that flavor or pick another or just leave it aside. Our thought guides our action!!! Eat it, succumb it, sleep in it! You are who you are! Stop being somebody else!!!! Remove the sham powder from your face. It disgusts me!
Respect? Or are you asking me about trepidation??? Be clear with your instruction!!! Hell, I don't know what are those. I know one thing by heart...respecting you is like throwing my wallet to a monkey. They don't want moNey, they want baNanas!!!! Am I that stupid? I'd rather disclose my affection towards you rather than being labeled as....(you name it)
The truth is...I am tired and I am sleepy...I am just distracting myself from doing my Quiz 2 Asian Lit which I MUST submit before 5pm.....(shit, Naz is already working on his 5th page!)
Hmm..MUST...nice word...sounds so fearful...oh cut the crap already...go to sleep...zzzzz
(Damn, I QUESTION TOO MUCH, CrAAAAP...) ??????, ?, ??, ???
having bad time too?
dear writer,
how can we make our life a rainbow?
*it's sorta like magazine Q&A.hahaha..
*I remember that you once told me that I'm gonna cry someday. It's true. Life isn't always what we wanted it to be. Happy is not for everyday we went through. You know what I mean, rite. Life goes up and down.
*My life is total boring. Can we move to Antartica instead?
Thinking about moving is easy..d question is...r we really 'moving'? Sometimes, facing the facts is the best way to plan for future happiness.
Rainbow is not something we make, it's something we wish to make...in the end, God creates such original and beautiful rainbow dear. What is left for us is to work, achieve more and hope for some more.
Happiness don't last. Before it ends, have a backup plan...Move to plan B..if you can't, RESET yourself...
i love you niza. marry me. kalau tak sudi, apakan daya diriku ini.
you love me? wow...dats touching..love yo too..;p
(crying...;( ....) bwekkk...
life's funny, isn't it?
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