Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Good for now..Alhamdulillah..

Alhamdulillah...after few days struggling with few series of asthma attacks, he survives!

Surprisingly, I enjoy taking care of Tok Bob...I like preparing tea for him, I like combing his hair, I like wiping his body, I like cleaning his mess and vomit, I like talking to him loudly, I like holding his hand when we walk, I like doing things for him..bottom line is..I like taking care of him!

Now, who says taking care of elderly is such a pain in the ass? Have you washed your face today? Everyone will get old, crappy and cranky. He's 92 and I perfectly..well, maybe not perfect..but..I'm taking care of him quite well.. I understand him.. I think, taking care of sick, old people is like TEACHING... In order to teach well, a teacher must KNOW his/her students! A teacher MUST be aware of their needs...same concept is being applied with taking care of cranky old people.

Here's a story.. Not many people like Tok Bob... No wonder he doesn't get much visitors. It's ok, we are here. He could be mean to them. Not many people can stand him. I guess, that explains why the housekeeper ran away. Dang. Seriously, he is a good guy..In fact, he is a great guy! I love him, more than I love everyone else! He is like a complete set of MOM+DAD!

He is sick..well, that is expectable when you reach his age. Lately, he is suffering from severe asthma and heart problem. Not to mention his arthritis is killing him, badly. Last week, he fell off as he was performing solat maghrib. Nobody's home except me. I was panicked! I didn't know what to do..I even called Naz and Tajul..I have no idea why...

I carried him all the way to the car and rushed to the hospital. Believe it or not, I did it all by myself. I was thinking to ask help from my uncle, but..nevermind. It's not his problem. Tok Bob couldn't believe it either bcoz..I'm smaller than him..n obviously I'm light as feathers. LOL.

It has been thing leads to another. Hospital became our second home. The thing is..he refuses to stay there..He complains a lot.. That explains why I complain too much, huh. I had to take him home. There are loads of pills... Everything looks the same, especially those in white. It's darn confusing.

Oh..he's all I have at the moment. I am holding on. He is holding on. Though sometimes I can see the look on his's like..he's giving up already... I believe he's trying. I thought I had lost him.. Alhamdulillah, he has shown some improvement.

I wish to post an article about 'asthma'..Later, perhaps. At first, the pills didn't work at all. Not at all! Even the inhalerSSS didn't work. His chest was so tight. Breathing seemed to be second to impossible. The oxygen helped a bit...for a moment though. Then, the doctor has decided to jab him with steroids. First, there's no sign of improvement. The thing was supposed to show effect around 4-5 hours after injection. Nevertheless, nothing happened.

I think, 7-8 hours later, he woke up. He told us..his chest felt roomier. Finally! We were so worried. I told myself earlier today.."I need to be ready for the worst." I has been postponed. Officially. Alhamdulillah. Believe it or not, I haven't taken any meal today. I totally skipped my breakfast, lunch and dinner. I kept on having plain water... I was hungry..but...I don't know..

It's a relief for least at the moment. I don't know what tomorrow has to offer. It's a surprise. I hope, we can celebrate his 92 Birthday this October. I wish.

I'd love to thank my friends for being there with me especially Chong. Thanx to Tajul for those comforting advices. Thanx to Naz for praying his good health. Thanx to Duang for his concern..I hope everything is doing fine with his father as well. Thanx to Pie for his concern. Thanx to my lovely housemates... You r such great friends!

Alhamdulillah. Tok Bob survives this test... At least for now. I hope it'll last, insyaAllah..ameen!

Yippie. I can sleep peacefully tonight despite this running nose. Hsy...

All the best to Tok Bob. For the love of Allah, Alhamdulillah! You do listen to us! ;p


Syud Ridzuan said...

Hope ur Tok Bob will be sehat. Praying for his health :)

U r doing a very excellent job taking care of him. Proud of you. *Pat shoulders and kesat air mate terharu*

See u 1st of June :)

p.s: jage diri elok2 jugak tau!!!

~fiNdinG a VoiCe~ said...'s a bad day..I think he's deteriorating again...T_T