Today..hmm...started off with aerobic dances and 'poco-poco' dance...oh, I missed that part, by the way. I slept too late last night. I had to force myself, meeting a stranger outside. Got home a bit late than usual. Nevermind. I helped Liyana at the booth around 8.50am I guess. Kesian kat Liyana!!! She's been so committed and deeply motivated. Pheeww...there were so many people this morning. School students, mostly...all Vitagens were sold...cleanly swooshed by them. Oh, I managed to sell the Faculty,s Neck Strap to Miss Afni and her sister, Mdm Norsi and Puan Zuraida..hoho...We packed off everything after lunch. No more sale! We had to be at the Great Hall by 3pm. While 'cleaning' the spot, we had so much fun. I wore Baju Kurung for the first time of my life! Oh my goodness. What a wham!I can tell that Nazri hates it so much. Sorry Naz!...Hoho...silly me! We sang songs...hell I have no idea where's that coming from. Dangdut a little. Goyang-goyang a bit. I was singing out of tune (since when that I'm not, kui kui)...then, he came and hugged me...real tight. Oh I missed that. Opsie. Tumpang lalu. Muahahahaha...that's not just it. He bit me! He bit me! He bit me, finally..Sounds crazy, but its true...(though it did feel nice! to say feels like some kind of, appreciation!) People found it disgusting but...I don't really mind. That's ok. Hehe. Yummy...delicious...scrumptious. For about one second and half, I felt alive and appreciated. Kinda like it though...hoho..don't blame me for that..sue me, sue me, sue me, not him...Thanx dear for THAT treat!
"If you need help, don't be afraid to ask! If you need a kiss, don't be afraid to touch!..."I hope someone still remember this.. Hehe... Then, we headed to the Hall. There were some peeps there. Oh it was tiring. Then I drove Liyana's car to throw some stinky packages from our 'Lelong's'...smells like rotten fish.hehe..but Hafriz and I threw them away already, Liyana! No sweat. Soon after that, I headed back to the Hall and I saw Aimi and Tajul were waiting to go home. That's when I realized that I am writing this crap while I think what happened next..(huh????)
Therefore....(to be continued)
>>c ya tonight at the Hall peeps!
I'm sure he's just hungry...heheh
hungry?hohohohoho...y so serious hafriz...scaree...mama likes it okai!
as long as nothing happen in our room its okay... bad..sorry.
My voice cracked due to all the shoutings masa talent show. Daaaaamn!!!
tu la, sape suruh jerit kuat2!muahahaha....moja moja...chip comel la smalam dlm clip tu!!!!!
ko kne geget?mybe die nk rase cmne rase raw goat's meat kot..hehehe..scrumptious eh?ko buat aku rs nk mkn kfc la.isk..xdok duet eh..
motippp...tetibe kfc..aku tgh diet la..nk kuruskan bdn..muahahahaha..raw meat ha?ok ok..ade ubi ade bas, ade hari aku kebas...huh?
im hungry...
tingtong masing2. (:
toing toing toing...well..wat to do..ting ting ting..
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