"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe." That's what Toby Reynolds says. I did that and trust me, it is not always fun. Hoping can be tedious and tiring. Believing is painful because you set what you want to see, and it can be messy some time.How I wish to break free sometimes. Run away from this plastic life.Just run away with that person. Skip this lunatic life for a while.Will you hold my hand, Bawanun?
I guess, I'm happy that I couldn't write any reasonable facts today. I need a break..perhaps I wont be online for a while, just to find peace..somewhere at the beaches...with that person maybe...or not...I am happy but I need a break out of this tiredness. I'm soaking wet with fake love already. At least, that keeps me awake for now.People judge, that's what they do BEST. Please, if you are not happy, fine happiness though it's fake..just to keep you in sanity for a while. Pull yourself together and let us walk at the beach...
I pray that in the midst of ur sorrow, u will find a light beyond the ordeal that betided u.
wah..dats deep..thanx dear..hav fun ok!
ha ha. uuu. that's hot. @_@
happy holiday! ma'assalamah.
wa i lalliqo' then...
yay yay..holiday!!!!! i need a break..
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