Friday, September 19, 2008

Majlis Berbuka Puase? or was it..Firhan melatah's night???

I just don't know how to explain this feeling..its kinda twisted..but it's true! Even though, my day kicked off with a rocky start, but I'm happy in the end. Now, I can finally take a deep breath and say..I AM HAPPY!

I was deeply sad that I could not attend the 'Majlis Berbuka Puasa' with Yayasan T'ganu. Oh, well, today is not the day. Hey, nobody informs me that I'm supposed to wear Baju Melayu???! I bet you guys had fun, no matter how. I'm sorry though, for what I've done tis past few days to you...still you think its my fault...what a rocky day for us...oh well...I'm losing the image either I go, from your face..

But...but...I went to another 'Majlis Berbuka Puase' with PMM (Persatuan Mawaddah Malaysia). I must say..I had good time there. Oh, the menu was extremely sumptuous...considering that I have never had 'Gulai Keladi' before. Hafriz agreed with me anyhow. I pampered my tummy a lil bit too much I guess. *Burp....

I gained new experience as well. I'm telling you, that was the first time I performed 'Tarawikh', with Quran in my hand. Seriously, it's for checking during ustaz's recitation, I assume. It's weird at first..after few rakaats, I managed to get a firmer hold onto the Quran. Flipping the pages while performing the prayers was a lil bit hard too..but it was great. Those people were nice! Again, 'Gulai Keladi' is great! I think I'm falling in love with it! Yummy...

Nevertheless....the best laugh for today, just before I got home...would be on...Firhan yang melatah! Muahahahahahaha...that was a great laugh! He AUTOMATICALLY + DRASTICALLY melatah as soon as a dog barked...along our way home....and there's one pak cik laughed the hell out, watching the incident! The dog was in the gate! But, Firhan's action was like..."$%^&#&&...tuuut...chicken's vagina...*^&&^^%"....yet he said, "Aku buat-buat je lah tu!"...whatever're busted...ahahahaha...Oh well, that was a great laugh!

I don't know why am I's for today, I think...Can't wait to see what tomorrow has to offer!



Unknown said...

Firhan is the ultimate latah machine..

Second place goes to tajul, the traditional latah machine.. HEHE..

Donut said...

All hail Firhan!!!

ewan mohad said...

kenzzz... latah tu latah jugakk...

x payah nak kaber2...


~fiNdinG a VoiCe~ said...

nazz...indeed...ultimate latah machine!ahax...

n tjull?traditional???


but u hav to agree that it was automatic n drastic ayte?!

~fiNdinG a VoiCe~ said...

yes hafriz...

all hail to the ratu latah...

officially crowned!

p/s--jgn marah firhan...;p

~fiNdinG a VoiCe~ said...

kan ekwan...buat ape la nk sorok2 blakang langsir kan..ahahaha...

"Buat-buat je"

Liyana Hanim said...


aq xbley bayangkan firhan melatah!!
apsal ko xrecord niza???muahaha

aku firhan.. said...

hampeh ko niza!
femes r aku pasni..
aku buat2 je tu,
nk bg ko hepi di mlm hari..
ko kan sedey je sbb xdpt gi b'buke ngan yayasan trg.huhu..
sape kcu aku pasni,siap r.aku wat2 t'sepak trajang org tu.haha..

~fiNdinG a VoiCe~ said...

ayyo liyana..mcm mane nk record?it happened in a sudden...n it was hilarious..

that was a good laugh!

~fiNdinG a VoiCe~ said...

ala firhan..malu2 plak pecah lobang di kala malam tu kan..


tu la..dalam aku kesedihan, bole plak ko buat lawak kan..debish!!!