Woooosh...today's another episode of my life as a school teacher. LOL. Sounds funny though.
Anyway, Madam Silvathri; the counseling teacher has asked me last night if I could join them painting the form 1 & 2 block. Guess what...I have said "Sure, why not.." Ahahahahahaa....
Anuar was kind enough to offer me a ride to the school...(purposely intended to show me the simple route actually...) Thanx nuar! I was a bit eager this morning as I was wearing my tracksuit. It's been a while since my last time painting any wall...(or should I say making the wall looks bad??!)
We headed to SMK Sri Istana around 9 am. Along the way, nuar has mentioned about which routes to take, where to turn, which signboards to look for and the landmarks... I was like.."Hmm, ok, ok, ok...when I was actually thinking: "What if I turn here?, What if I go straight? etc.."
Then, nuar showed me the 'setinggan' area around Kampung Jawa where most of my students live. It was a bit depressing, seeing how poor they are. They have been separated from the 'civilization' by a thin layer of green zinc... Huh? It works as a wall actually... The contrast can be clearly seen when you compare some houses in front of the green zinc; which are nicely constructed and a bit wealthy. Now I am thinking: "How can they live in such huge cribs when their neighbors are living in a 1-room houses with many tenants???"
(Sigh). Then we went straight to the office to check in. FYI: I have officially became the staff since 8 June 2009. So, my attendance for the school has already started since then.
After that, we headed to the block. There was this form 5 boy; Siva who already started working. He is so tall. (Rase terhine plak bile aku cat yang part bawah2 je..LOL). I joined him soon as I dropped my stuffs and my 'The Star' which stated "I am gay-Says Adam Lambert, W42".
Surprisingly, I have made friends with some Indian students there. There was this girl; Yogeswari who was shy at first. She responded to my questions minimally (Sepatah aku tanye, sepatah dy jawab). Then, there was this form 4 boy; Vinesh who's actually more than a friendly boy to me. I thought he hated me or something but..it turned out ok..Tett, I was wrong about them...;p
Niza: Hello, what is your name dear?
Vinesh: Vinesh. U?
Niza: Niza (shaking his hand). Are you Siva's classmate?
Vinesh: No, I am in form 4..
Niza: Ic..
Vinesh: Are you the form 5 transfer student?
Niza: (Having a small laugh). Nope, I am here to teach form 1 and 2 students.
Vinesh: Oh, you're a teacher (With his Indian tone). Sorry sorry cikgu..(I'm guessing its because he called me directly by my name)
Niza: It's ok, I don't mind...I don't look like a teacher, do I?
(We were both laughing) LOL.
I never thought they are this friendly. Hmm..perhaps it just works with some advanced students... I don't know, perhaps... I hope everyone will be like them; the ones I befriended with today.
Later, there was this English teacher. I actually have forgotten his name (due to the previous students' names confusion..LOL). He was really nice. He is an Indian. He has been teaching there since 2000. He shared about his experience especially during his time in Sarawak. He is handling the noon session. So, he will automatically be my guidance as well.
He even offered himself to help me whenever I have difficulty in teaching..."I certainly do!" He told me to inform him immediately if my supervisor is coming, so he can prepare a helping plan...Muahahahahahhaha.... I said.."It's ok sir...I'll try my best sir.." Hehe..
Madam Silvathri and him thanked nuar and I for helping them today. I said.."Don't mention it la teacher.." Muahahahahahaha....
I think, I love my students...and of course the teachers I've met so far.. I hope everyone will be like them.... I know the school is awful and the students are terribly weak in English... That's the trick isn't it? I hope I'll survive and improve their achievement...
Nuar and I checked out from that school at...nearly 1.30pm... Then we had our lunch.
Hehe..I can't wait to see what tomorrow has to offer..for all of us... I hope the sun will shine brightly at SMK Sri Istana....
Till we meet again..
Pn savithiri la..jangan salah.
ko kena kaunseling nanti baru tahu...
o ok..sounds d same to me...;p
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