HORRIBLE here does not mean that they create lots of major problems. They are horrible in the sense that they come from class C till G...imagine that... Nevertheless, I can't say "I CAN'T" as a new teacher and leave this opportunity behind...I grabbed it and...I shall plan for the best..or maybe the worst... I haven't planned anything though... T_T
The teachers are nice...incredibly nice... They were all eye-ing on us and gazing for their chance in us... All of them were like.."Eh, awak ambik kelas saye la", "Cikgu amik je my class", "You just take my classes la cikgu" n bla bla bla, hoping for each and every one of us to choose them... I swear I could see the "pick me, pick me teacher!" in their eyes... I am just a trainee teacher. I said.."I'll try my best maam". I can't do all things, not by myself...I also need help and guidance...
Who shall I seek help from? Definitely the Puan Pengetua; Pn Mawarni, Pn Asiah and the PKs...coz they are nice, I think. Yup, Ms Liza as well!!! Absolutely! Oh yeah.. Gosht....why would I say 'yes' in the first place when being offered the noon session?? Urghhh.... T_T
Now it is true what they say.."Life does not always come your way", "The world does not revolve around you". Exactly! What should I do next? I have no idea... I am looking forward to have an eye-to-eye talk with Dr Izaham soon as he comes back from his leave.
What surprises me the most is their examination result. 11%??? Now I have to throw away my lesson plans which are meant for 'intermediate' and 'advanced' levels. I am not even sure if they can go through with my 'beginner' lessons. They are below that level actually...even for the A and B classes...bloodcurdling isn't it??? Not to mention how tormenting it would be for the teacher; ME! Haha... T_T
I'll totally ask help and guidance from my mentor...(crossing my fingers that he/she will help). I don't want to keep making things hard than what already is... I just hope I will make lots of friends there, befriend with teachers and my students...and have fun there... I don't want to end up in mental....not just yet....
Up to this moment, I am having a second thought upon becoming a teacher.... I hope the next three months, I will be able to change the current thought! I keep telling myself: "Just 3 months niza!" Please...... My current problem is: I don't know how to communicate with my students.... they'd rather speak in their respective languages than having small talk with me in Bahasa Malaysia. I seriously don't understand them...I wish we can cooperate later.... Perhaps, it is too early...T_T
Sivic education. What to teach??? PRS. I have no idea where to begin with.... This is the problem when you left your school life years ago and left it all out (EVERYTHING!)...and never refer to the PRS teacher! Ahahahaha... Tuan Haji Hanid, why did you leave us??? ...after you've made 1001 promises???
That is all for now....
Toodles ;p
u pun amik kelas i jugak laaa.. lehh..? ekekekeke
jadik cikgu pun susah gak ek...hmmm fikir 2 3 kali jgk jadik cikgu nie...
ooh.. i thought the students would be ok since most royals go there.. just hang in there.. we'll try to help each other out ok? n nnt dh dpt kete, take me for a ride! hehe :p
amik klas u boboy? no problem...janji u ade dlm klas tu..bole gelak2..muahahahahahha ;p
misguided info la ari tu..anak2 pekerja istana je..mak guard je yg lebey2 ckp kerabat skola situ...x kan la royals nk skola kt slum area mcm tu..tp sedey sgt background budak2 situ...aku rase nak mnangis dgr kisah hidup dorang aimi....T_T
you can do it! semangat! (cerita intan)
right back at cha..!
gambatte kuddasai...;p
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