16 July 2009. "I love you teacher!".
"Yes, I love you too then, thank you." That actually made my day. Pssst, I have no idea who that was anyway...;p
The day started off by me submitting the SOP report. Yeah. They were like..."Assalamualaikum YB..." Darn..I hate wearing batik inside the Faculty of Education!
12.20pm. 10 more minutes before the weekly meeting. Uhuuu... Ok. Today's deal was...err...mostly about H1N1. "p/s - kuat betul cikgu ghani burp tadi...hnsss..."
My first stop was 2D. They were busy finishing their piece of arts (PS paper). Sigh. Period. If only they could do the same for English, that would be...(pling pling...- sound from heaven)
3.00pm. I distributed the ICT exam papers for 2D. Chaotic. They were asking me.."What's this, what's that"...and bla, bla, bla... Me? "Oh, let me check ok...err, its NANMA!". Them? "Huh, ape ni cikgu???"..."It's NONE OF MY BUSINESS"...ahax. Did I have a second thought? Naaa, why should I give them the answers???
Later, my class was taken over by Puan Azah. She shouted here and there to keep students focused and stop asking questions. Lalalalala. I love you 2D. (T_T)
Today, I have learned that Sharil's father (2G) is a wealthy guy. Sharil actually has a brother who studies during the morning session. His brother is in form 5 if I am not mistaken. I was informed that his brother belongs to some kind of gangters in Klang. Ooooo...scary. Well, that's normal for this school.
I had a relief duty with the Remove Class. Urgh. Again? Hehe... But....it turned out ok this time. They were behaving and remained in the class as I gave them some games to play with. Suddenly, my last 5 minutes bacame haywire when they suddenly picked a fight. It was a fight between 'the' Indian boy and 'that' Chinese boy...haha, not that you know them ayte...;p So I asked them to go to En Hijazi's room to sort things out. Hmmm...why my last 5 minutes, why????
I had a good day...thanks to my mentor; Mr Arud. He said.."Nice game cikgu niza...it seems like these students keep requesting it, even from me...is it taken from NST?"..."Definitely sir!"..."Maybe I should try it too la, may I?"..."By all means sir..". I love the fact that he loves to comfort me...whenever I face problems in teaching his students. I love listening to his tips and advices. He has that father-like figure to me. Thanx Papa...;p uiks..
I love everyone at my school...I love you dearly....Thanks for having me there! TQ TQ TQ.
Toodles ;p
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