Lately, I have been feeling that I owe myself something. Love. I have not loved myself for quite a period. There's something missing in my life...It is 'love'.
I think I need love. I am incapable to live in this world all by myself. I need somebody to love and love me in return.
I guess, I am ready for love. There's no one really secured a space in my heart before. I don't think there's someone there at the moment either.
Could it be that I am just running in the same circle, with the same motion as before? Perhaps. But, it's ok. As long as I have Me, Myself and I, I'll be ok.
Therefore, I have decided to love myself...more.
I love myself.
To those out there, please love yourself! Give more chances of love for yourself! Open your heart to loving yourself...more!
I love myself!
yes! love yourselves first before you love somebody!
indeed! ;p
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