Wow, Koreans were here in our fac! In persons! I wish I can tell you how excited I was....words are nothing compared to lively lay a hand on them! Kam sah hamnida! Hmmmm...there's one thing to add in my long term plan for vacation. Korea, one day I'll come! One thing I must say here is "All people smile in the same language!" They were so adorable...even though, they were just elementary boys and girls...hey, I'm not a pedophile ok! It's them....sue me for that...Ok, ok enough for that...I personally thought it was going to be grey and dull but I was inclusively wrong! We enjoyed ourselves handling the groupies! It was fun! Of course with the presence of Kak Ruhil, Kak Ana and Iqbal (hope its his real name)....fun, fun, fun! Pretty much, I enjoyed myself.

Mouse deer's stories were AWESOME! Well, this is according to the Koreans...they took my script to be reviewed in their country! Wow..that's cool... I wonder why he who played the mouse deer was so cute that he became the magnet for most of the audience...congrats to him...hehe...and not to mention, the cRocodile was great too...cheh, poyo je cakap tak reti la, itu la...they loved it man! So, stop saying that you hate kids Ok mista korukodail! I was having fun and laughed a lot. I guess, I enjoyed myself back then. Well, its true after all when they say...take time to laugh for it is the music of your soul..and I did take a quantity of time, just laugh and laugh...The things I regretted most are....THE FLU & COLD & MY RUNNING NOSE! Can somebody catch my nose please!!!! Well, that was then. My dad says...to get out of difficulty, one usually must go through it! Hell yeah...I'm going through it abah! It is rather disturbing!

Then, we had durians...plenty of them! The King of Fruits! Yummy...scrumptious....too bad Mr Mouse Deer and Mr Farmer had to leave early....hehehe...thanx Aimi and Liyana for preparing us the delicious, yummy, luscious fleshes of durians...you guys rock! 'zaman peralihan la katakan'...guys don't kopek durian anymore...hehehehehehehe.....Hey thanx anyway! Sorry, I couldn't get my hands scratch...they are too delicate..opsie...too bad the Koreans did not enjoy the durian....nevertheless, one of the boys got pleasure from it..kudos for you boy! However, they enjoyed the manggis so much...thanx a bundle to whoever brought the devouring feast! Again, thanx aimi and liyana..oh you guys were cool!

I guess, that was such a pleasurable occasion..oh wait...there's one more story to tell...after that, we headed to Pak Li Kopitiam at Ole Ole, Section 18 for late lunch..oh my goodness, I embarassed myself just by ordering "Sirap Limau Ais" there..weird..they have Teh O Limau Ais but they don't serve Sirap Limau Ais...oh, who cares....we were darn hungry and we finished our lunch in just minutes! That's a record, well, at least for me! Hehe..Sociolinguistics started at five and we headed to the faculty right after lunch. Oh it was fun! with aimi, tajul, wawa and liyana....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......kam sah hamnida! Well guys, you may consider yourselves heartily thanked! Thanx thanx thanx....
Hmmm..what else....I guess, there is not much for now..but that was worth an experience having fun, singing and laughing with the kids! Yippie...if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands..pek pek!....ok, I guess that would be it for now...I shall see you again, soon...thank you everyone! Thank ME for having fun today! yay..phewww...I bet no one grows tired of being thanked! Heheheheehe....

Mmmbekkkkkkkkkk.....bekk..bek..bb..(ops, the gOat is not feeling well today..da tbatuk batuk..uhuk uhuk..I mean, beks beks..)
Sangat2 best and mereka sangat2 comel!!!
saya patut menculik sorg td!!! huhu~
harap2, dr. z pilih kte utk g korea winter nnt!!! :D
Ohio adalah perkataan yg terkeluar dri mulutku tatkala ku teringin di lihat cool tapi tidak..itu perkataan Japan!
Tidak cool langsung!
muahahaha acad yang comel lagi klaka buat lawak..toing3..
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