Writing is easy. However, to write a flawless piece of work comes with price. There's a price to produce a creative writing. Therefore, reflecting to my experience, I will list down some of the problems I face when I write.
During the pre-writing, I normally have problem in organizing ideas. How to let my ideas flow is one more thing when I write. When there are too many ideas, I get confused on which to locate in my writing. Next is when i draft the outline. This is when I put everything after I select things from the pouring ideas, earlier. In building a framework for my ideas, there are many things to be considered. I always messed up with my thesis statement. When I jot down the thesis sentence, I tend to choose on unnecessary points to be elaborated. Then, I will have problem in sequencing and I will be perplexed with my principle of selection.
During the writing stage, I always have problems with grammar, tenses, pronouns, thesis statements and the exposition. The blatant problem with me is I tend to mix the tenses. If only I know on how to stick on certain tense. I wish there's a tense that can be used for all purpose. People say that writing is speaking on paper. One question, if you speak in mess, does that means your writing is a mess too? This is why we have to devise and revise the writing. A lot of editing must take place. "To improve is to change, to be perfect, we have to change often!"
After I write, I revise my writing. Surprisingly, I notice that I overwrite the essay. I overstate my points. This leads to many needless words and details. I also notice that my piece of writing is not simple and straightforward. Therefore, when I show my essay to my friends, they are clueless on what I am trying to explain. Obviously, I do not know on how to add color, excitement and style in my writing. I make things complicated when they are supposed to be simple. My teacher told me long time ago on her principle in writing. That would be "KISS". It simply means to "Keep It Simple and Straightforward!" I have to be organized! I am learning to organize points easily and effectively. That is why I am in this course.
Those are some of my problems in writing. I am definitely certain that normal people face the same problems too. I wish to improve in writing and produce a masterpiece before I graduate from this program. I really hope to learn on how to develop my ideas effectively, to get my points across, and to write something that hold my readers' attention. This is why I am in this course.
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