aNs..52 days to go before we celebrate 2008 MERDEKA! day. Anything can happen, either today, tomorrow or soon.
I shall quote a wise man's say.."Not knowing is bad, but not to wish to know is worse!"
Today is another day. Conflicts are everywhere. I wonder what is happening to the 'peace' Malaysia we once had. Politic is getting grubbier by days. I have lost conviction upon political parties in Malaysia..Hit me in the face but I have no idea who to trust. As mentioned earlier, I'm just a minute part in this drama. I'm aNs...
In Malaysia, the Malays are faced with a personal problem. It is a problem which concerns their real, innermost attitude towards Malaysia, towards sharing the land of the Malays with others. It concerns their hopes when merdeka was achieved and the dashing of some of these hopes on the rocks of reality.
It is a predicament which everyone has avoided mentioning in public for various reasons. The Chinese and Indians think that the Malays know that they have a perplexing problem and that public reference to it might start a chain reaction which could be uncontrollable and disastrous.
The Malays themselves have shunned an open statement of the problem because it embarrasses them, and is an embarrassment to others. They, more than anyone else, have been responsible for keeping this peculiar Malay problem suppressed.
On the surface, the deliberate avoidance of discussion seems good. It preserves the atmosphere of tranquility which is mistaken for racial harmony in Malaysia. It makes for good administration, It encourages investment and development. But the actual situation beneath this seeming tranquility and harmony is fraught with danger.
Every community, whether Chinese, Indians or Malays, clinging tightly to racial loyalties, keeps on sparring with this Malay problem. And because each group does not know the other's strength and the fierceness of the feelings involved, this sparring tends to build up tensions which could boil over. Should this happen, and it is very likely, the lack of mutual knowledge could make compromise impossible.
The situation could become uncontrollable. There could be disaster. And what happened in Nigeria could be the fate of Malaysia......
.....................excerpt from "The Malay Dilemma, Federal Publications, 1981, "The Malay Problem, p115".....
Looking at the mirror, the horny goat asks...are we playing our role well? Do we understand out part in this movie? Do you understand the Malay character?
Anyway, that chapter is taken from "The Malay Dilemma" which was published long time ago before the goat was born. Seriously, where are we now??? 1957-2008...we have gone through gazillions of incidents. Surprisingly, we are still here. Where? The goat says...HERE. Have we change? Have we learn from our mistakes??
War is everywhere and it is killing every one of us, silently. Stop shouting "It's not fair!, Save our rights!...bla bla bla..." Seriously, is there anyone listening to such crap? The goat cannot simply say that he is content with where he is standing. Nevertheless, he is thankful for the opportunity to be with other goats...either black or 'white'. In fact, he loves being with them. Who does not???
Even the Malays stab their own blood. Its painful and tormenting to live and re-live this way. Selfish is not just the issue. "Bang" on our own body. Slowly, fights among ourselves develops. Hatred grows and a beast comes out from its hole. One day, we will be no longer standing on the land we preach as ours!
Where are we now? Where are you? the past???? It is happening everyone. Wake up from your lunatic fantasy and open your eyes widely! Who are you going to trust now? Who are you giving your heart to? Who are you going to hold and lean your shoulder on????
The goat is tired....its better to watch MTV and sing with tuneless tone. MMMbbbekkk....
The goat is horny...looking for the answers for his endless questions and craving for a nice, hot meal through the night.
C ya round peeps...
Certain issues regarding equality...I guess you can't blame anyone for not wanting to give up rights...I for sure would not want to give up mine, as I would want the same privileges for my children someday. To each his own I guess.
Tapi kite Melayu ni mmg tak sedar diri sbnrnye...
I couldn't agree more with u...for serious, if we give up our rights, where r we goin to live? So many buts and maybes....i dunno...let the corrupt politicians decide...the goat is cryin..., wondering for what's next??
At the end of the day, ALL of us share the SAME, ONE, PUNY world. Do we have to wait till the martians invading the Earth to unite as SIMPLY earth citizens?
*Tuhan menjadikan manusia itu berbilang bangsa supaya saling berkenal-kenalan* @_@ the end of the day...why, why, why???? oh God, the goat is getting hornier for the answers!!!!
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