Yeah...finally....the research proposal....pheeeww.....alhamdulillah...sume da siap hantar...budak2 umah skali....congrats tu sume!!!! pergh....susah+penat+tensyen...macam macam ada...
Gile babS sampai tak study literature.... in the end? Tak dapat jawab....uwaaaaaaa......sedihnye...Tapi, nak buat mcm mane....sape suh buat last minute....
I feel so free....nak terjun blok je!
I miss someone too...but I guess....takpe la...I am not in the position to miss si dia anymore...ahahaha.... i seem to distant myself so much lately from diyer..ahahaha... sedih but I think, that's the best... diyer pn seem to be having someone now...i am happy untuk diyer...
Lalala...I feel so free but I can't seem to be smiling... I don't know why..nak sambung tengok Condor Hero la plak...ape la da jadi kat Yang Guo and Cik Long tu....

So, I guess...it's over right??? You don't have to keep me anymore...be happy with 'him' ok... You guys look so sweet together...
Oh ya, di kesempatan ini, I'd love to say sorry kat sume yg pernah saye buat silap...please forgive me ok... and to 'you', thank you for everything ye! You are the best!

TQ ;)
Hey.. Who let the kambing loose?.. HEHE..
Mmmmbbekk...bekk..bekk, bek, bek..
who let the goat out...?!!!!
amboi....sedapnye org atas ni kutuk...muahahahahaha....
larik2...niza n his goat nak tanduk..!!!ekekeke
yeah..u can run but u can't hide...muahahaha...;p
wooo..gtew ek..kambing pn pakai radar gak ek..ekekekeke
kambing modern...;p
hak3..kambing pakai suit power rangers pastu ngan jam tangan...siap radar..ekekeke
that would b cool..i think..*wink*
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