I know I've done so many wrong things to you...I just couldn't help myself... Oh...where r u? Can somebody please help me find her... I miss you..I really miss you...
Your cute lil face...so adorable..The temptation to make you sleep on my lap..oh man..I'm obsessed with you...in fact, I am listening to "Obsession" by Army of Lovers... Please come back baby...
Your soft bottom of your feet and hands make me feel fresh and young. Your smooth silky jacket makes you look like a Snow White..You are my princess.... Please come back to me...
Your sneeze...is so pure..n clean...I miss that too...it makes me feel complete again, at least for a while...But where r u? Please come back..please..
I wonder..are you with someone else at the moment? Why can't I see you my baby? I miss you so much.. I know I've let you down throughout the week..but I was busy...with assignments...Jaferi's work..micro teaching..etc... I hope you can see that dear... I'm sorry
I really miss you..if you r with someone else...I just want you to be happy..I know that you r not happy with me... but don't be like this....Samad misses you! Mak Tam misses you! The Blackies miss you! I MISS YOU!!! Where are you Munawwarah???
If any of you know Munawwarah's whereabout, please..pleaseeee let me know... I'll pick her up... If any of you know that someone has taken Munawwarah, please tell them to return her to her family! She belongs there!!!! Not somewhere else! It's alien and scary for her..We live in a cruel world..It's a CRUEL world out there!!!
Munawwarah, where r U????
This is Munawwarah....
name pendek dy
tp name short dy
tp name shortest dy
x nak..ko pun ade M..capital letter lg...
Dy suci bagiku....
Harap2 dy pulang..ku menanti kepulangannye..
so sad...cuty dah lost...huhuhuhu
xkan kena culik kut...ntah2 dah kena jual kat siam kut..yela..cute,,berbulu lagi..
i'm a buzy man too..huhuhu next week 3 asgment...uwaaaa...stress glew..huhuhu
ur kueh raye...?don wan huh..?huhuhuhu
name yg moja n azri bg kat die dewey..
hehehe :p
semlm ade je kitorg memain dgn die..
ak nk bwk blik, tp azri, moja smue x bg ak culik die..
jgn rsau..
die ade je kat fac tu..
tu la..
aku pun rase cm ade komplot seludup my baby ke siam...
aretook, yup...loads of assignments..huhu...
kueh raye?alaaa....hmmm...wat to do...
aimi...aku sangat kesedihan wei..
i love munawarah so much...
x sah x jumpe dy..
tapi ari ni..
shes gone...
Dewey??Mane boley...kekalkan budaya tempatan..!!!
ps.."kucing tempatan leih elok dai kucing import.."
saper bagi nama tu??
*aimi culik dia tp tak mengaku*
da lame name itu diberi kepada dy...
acad, aku x culik die la..
tanye pak guard klu x caye..
pak guard nmpk ak lpaskan die n marah sbb ak xnk bwk die blik..
pak guard ckp, takut nnt die kene mkn dgn anjing..
niza, you've been tagged :-D
aku amat sedih!!!!
aku sangat sedih hari ini pabila ku dapat tahu bahawasannya..munawarah memang da ilang..
da xde!!!!
huhuhuu..so sad bro..
tu lah..munawwarah is no longer around...huk huk
sape yang amik munawarrah tu pulangkn dowh..sian membe aku...huhuhuhu
rasenye mmg dh x dpt balik dh..im sad...
lor jgn ptus asa awal sgt...kita g tv3 tunjuk gamba munawarrah nak..?edar poster...anak kucing pn diorg nak p jual kat siam napew ek..?
kompius tul...
eyh..jgn la buat lawak..im terribly sad...dy sudah tiada...
aku amat merinduinya...
Munawwarah is a cat?
I can't beleive this...
nope..she's a Kitten...huhu..beliave it or not? believe it dude! ;p
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