Olala...rise and shine...to the new day... The brightness of the sun..enlightens my mourning...oh I feel like losing someone already...though its' hanging somewhere without any string...does that make sense? Wheeew...
I finally know the meaning of loneliness. Ahaha... Loneliness is when you wonder around late at night (in my case, early in the morning) and you actually have nowhere to go. Loneliness is when you ask your friend to leave you, wishing that you can find your way home, all by yourself. Loneliness is when you madly care for someone whom you hurt but you did not mean to. Loneliness is when you make fool of yourself in front of them and thinking they could have liked you better. Loneliness is when you pretend not seeing the one you love in front of your eyes when you actually clearly can see them.
Last night, I was wondering around section 18...just after meeting my friend at McD there. I tought of dropping by but I just did not have the guts of knocking the door. "What would he say? Will he accept me? Will he open the door?" A lot was going on my mind. Technically speaking, I went to his house and just stood downstairs...not doing anything.. I was holding a card. A card of forgiveness... oh well...
Then I walked and walked (berape kali saye tawaf the block pun saye x pasti)... I did not know what was I thinking!!!? I was afraid of waking you up after the long day that you had. I just wanted to see the face, but I let myself out. I just wanted to smile, but I faked it. I just wanted to cry but I muted in my silence. I guess, all I'm saying is...I miss you.
However, I got to my senses, knowing that the busyness everyone has gone through (including me). "It's ok"... I should have informed you earlier. Huhu... "I think you were already in your wonderland, you should get some rest".. I guess, I just miss you, that's all. Then I went home..late (Ekhwan hasn't asleep yet, Tjul dah terbongkang..with some farts lagi, Opsie!)
Like I said, a lot was going on my mind. I just don't know why. He makes me happy though. He sees me when nobody does. He wipes my body when they spitted on me. He cleans myself up when people splashed dirt in the rain. Me? I simply do nothing. How foolish does it sound?
"You love me, you love me not..you love me, you love me not, you love me, you love me not.." Ahahaha...Thats all.. Oh ya, I woke up early this morning..and I felt happy all in the sudden. I don't really know why. But I am happy..huhuhuhu. I was dreaming about you... That's all Mr Bloggy. I'll update later ok..
p/s- Thanx my friend for sharing your story and forcing your ears to listen my problem last nite... C u later then.
a cute entry.
mcm cita dlm novel pun ada.
glad u were having a gud day.
pray that it will continue to all the days that are coming (",)
what da fcuk!!!
What is fcuking wrong with you hah???
Bengong punya entry!
thanks first of all to taufik...
u too, keep yourself bein happy ok..;p
"what da fcuk!!!
What is fcuking wrong with you hah???
Bengong punya entry!"
-excuse me?..who's dis? dear mista, if u don't like the entry, help urself out..it's ok..there's no need to be rude like that..tq
ello my dear fren...jgn la gtu weih..final nak dkat dah...forget what happened for a while..juz concentrate on ur stud k..if u want to share samtin with me juz text me k...have fun chat with u..hak3
be happy bro..n sapew anonymous tu..?huk3
yang.. love youuu.. hikz..
sori la curenz kul 4 pagi.. kuikuikui...
thanx..i think im ok now..huhu..
thanx again..
ekwan, hoho...curenz kate kau..huhu...;p
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