AE Supervisor
A new day has come...another reminder of how I am getting older and older...huhu..;(Today I have met my AE supervisor, Mdm Izyani. She was far from what I have imagined these few days...huhu...and she's young...and funny and 'shy shy cat'... Anyway..
I thot she's gonna be like 40++ years old, darker skin tone, tall and fierce. Tettt..I was wrong...come to my surprise, she's the other flip of the coin....which is good I think..
She's so soft spoken...alahai...
She adviced me to change my AE topic tho...too cliche. Oh well, I must admit that I'm just 'renewing' what Mdm Hamidah did for her masters degree....and I am recycling the seniors' works....ops..;p Last minute keje for last semester kot..*wink*
Thus, I oughta change it...maybe to comic reading or manga (as suggested by her) or maybe I'll do a topic on online reading..have not decided yet tho....(datang lah idea yang bernas mencurah-curah nanti oi!) Later perhaps..
I asked her when I can see her again...she said that she won't be around from 12-20 April 2009...then, how am I going to show my new proposal??? She said..."..no need to consult me, just email me...I'll leave my comments and reply it.." That was easy...I think I'll email her during the break...maybe (kalu rajin). Cuti dulu la beb..
And she said.."..no need to show me the formal proposal, just do a rough draft, n bla bla bla...just have a topic first...you can use the original topic, but change the title (ala, manipulate la ur skill...). That's what she said...hmm...that should be easy, I think..
Oh yeah, she was a bit surprised as I show her my proposal..."Haiya, this is so thick!!" and I said.."No maam, my proposal is only 18 pages, the rest (40 pages) are my articles and journals...my source.." huhu...and then she smiled (cunningly) ??!
One thing she highlighted from my proposal was: My survey questions and interview part...She told me that, I should have used the Likert scale, unlike what I did...(hmm, I wonder how Prof Fattawi marked my proposal)...ahaha...Ok, that's easy..and I should have known that by using Likert scale, it is more practical and professional...
Anyway, thank you maam...You have helped me a lot (in just one session)...Cool tho...before I left her room (T306), she told me "Jangan call saye malam2 ek, nanti husband saye marah..." Ahax, that was a lil bit funny and cute...haven't thot of that....
That was it...to all my friends, you should consult your supervisors...they can be so helpful and guide you for your AE...Now, I'm glad I got her for my supervisor...;p *wink* No stress, no stress, no stress...(Jesse McCartney cakap)