I did not dress properly..I was in my 'sleeping uniform'...n put on the jacket coz it was cold..grrr..
We entered HTAR main gate around 11.45pm or sumthin.. As I registered, the registrar looked so gay and soft. His face was so tight like he's using botox or sumthin n he's freaking fair...his neck was a lil bit darker tho..but he's nice...I paid RM1 for d registration..thank God it's public...
My turn was No. 39...we waited for like 30 minutes b4 the doc (Bilik 1) called me. I spent my 30 minutes of nausea in the room..I felt like vomitting but... They could not find the 'urat' to get sum blood from my body...n they ended up bedding 2 pieces of needles into both of my hands...thank goodness my left hand poured sum blood...I was in pain..for a while..no biggy..but I really held my head up coz I felt like throwing up on the doctor's face....pretty sucks tho...
Then, they asked me to go to the "Bilik Rawatan" and wait there for at least 2 hours b4 the result came out! WTF..2 freakin hours of boredom??...Lucky for me there was this mak cik..around 60's I think...we made sum fruitful talk..n there was this auntie whom her baby was sick too...I love when she said, "Biarlah mak dia yang sakit, jangan anak yang sakit, perit rasenye tengok dia mcm nie.." We talked n talked..n I was the only guy in the room..n d auntie was breastfeeding her baby...quite disturbing tho... Thanx to them..I forgot what time was it..n my dripping went out..then I felt like throwing up again..yucks...there were blood on the floor...which bursted out from that makcik's hand...kinda scary....
Then I personally asked the nurse to confiscate my dripping coz I was effing bored in that room...I felt dizzy n I needed to get sum air... I went out from the "Zon Rawatan"..n looked for my frens...pity Hafriz n Pie..they were asleep outside while waiting for me..I am so sorry guys...
Ekhwan told me that there was an Indian girl who just peed not far from where we sat...damn..that's gross...haven't they learn what a toilet is??? The best part was when there were some rats running here n there...they were pretty much everywhere...n they were long n huge.......the rats were not afraid of human being anymore...they freely came out from their nest n 'strolled' under the sitting area...how nasty is that???? Rats in the hospital???? Everybody could not care less I presume....
Lucky No. 39...30 minutes later, I was called to the Doc's room..the result was on...I must admit that it was daunting for me.."What if it's dengue fever?"..haiz.....then the doctor (She's a young doctor n kinda pretty) fooled me around...she said.."Awak ni dah teruk...kene inject lagi ni...nak sample darah lagi!!"...I was like.."Huh, betul ke dokter???" "How bad is it?".."Takde la...virus biase je...sebab debu from the environment kot.." Chessss....I totally bought it... Then, she gave me a medical slip to be passed to the Pharmacy Unit...Come to my shockness, they just gave me one packet of panadol...it's just a normal fever!!!! How creepy is that???
Alhamdulillah it's not the dengue fever....I mean, I have a seminar presentation which carries 30% of my assessment!!! As we walked out to the car park...Pie's car got pimped!!! There were so many crows out there...They were so eager to re-paint the car...they left us with their s**t....Again, I am so sorry Pie...
We went home after that... I just wanna say thanx to my lovely and caring buddies; Pie, Hafriz and Ekhwan..Thank you so much guys..If it wasn't you guys, I'll be lying on my 'death' bed still..ahax... TQ TQ TQ...;p
I know, I heard about the rat part.
Gile gross.
niza..r u okeyzzz??
get well soon.. get proper rest, food n meds ok? hopefully u'll b back on ur feet by tomorrow.. love ya buddy..
Owh.yeah syud..it's disturbing!!! I had to lift my feet up...
i think i'm ok now..compared to yesterday..but i'm still burning boboy....;(
Thanx maam aimi...will do...;)
p/s-I'm craving for your cat food...I want it I want it I want it...
salam bro. aku pernah mengalami apa yang ko alami. Bile gi hospital je doc cakap takde apa apa. 7 bulan aku sakit. At last, aku cuba cara tradisional. Dari situ, aku dapay taw aku terkena santau. Alhamdulillah, aku dah sembuh.
Terpulang la bro nak percaya ke dak. Berusaha tak salah.
Thank you mista...will note that in mind...
Thanx again 4 d input...;p
Hopefully there's nothin serious bout my condition...it's just a matter of time, insyaallah...
laa demam rupenye kazen aku ni..
patut la lame xon9..
neway, how r u now?
getting any better?
p/s:i couldnt believe bout the rat part!eeeeiiiiiuuwwwwww!!
dear kak long yang comel...im gettin worse i think...it's been the fourth time already dat i did the blood check...the doc couldn't figure out wat's wrong wit me yet...they said it's not dengue although my platelet just decreased from 253 to 235...if it's below than 100, imma hafto b admitted into ward....cross my fingers that it wont happen...im still burning tho...;(
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