Haiz...today's d day...da nak abis semester baru nak quiz 1..ahaha...n i think it was hard....haiyo...and we still have two more quizzes...!!??
I sat next to syud....her answer was like...PANJANG gile...i only wrote points (which was half a page per question - 4 to 5 sentences je!!!)...i envy her!!! shows that she really studied!!! hebat...mantap...
there goes my first shakespeare quiz...ape ape je la...
I was supposed to submit the "Taming of the Shrew" essay today, in class!! I guess I possess too much blood of a procrastinator!!! Now, my essay mark will be deducted...uwaaaaaa....... Oh well, cryin over spilt milk pn x elok jugak....
Tonight, I think imma write the essay...n do the Lesson Plan for my last microteaching as well....d problem is.."Buat ke nanti???
I am burning my head now. So many things to finish this week...So many quizzes to sit too... I might as well end myself up in the mental institute....uwaaa...bole gile macam nie...teringat plak expression Hafriz last night...owh..feels like givin up oledy...
As I type this crap, I am listening to "Hate You, Love You" by Super Junior...hmmm...hafto download the lyrics later...ape lagi...kira-ok la nanti.....
That's all for now...what a day, what a day...thy shall repent for thy procrastination!!!!
sounds scary...
Aku punye tulisan besa gaban la. satu line 6 perkataan je (T______T)
haha..wait till you becum a part 6! u'll kno wat i'm talkin bout!!! hoho..;p
ala syud...penuh page kot ko tulis..huhu...mantap gitu..;p
only 18?
you're 'f'ing weird...
I can't even type a whole page of an A4...
hey, I'm going to Phuket tomorrow...
hope I won't puke on the plane...
my first time eh...
*kalo ade steward ensem oke gakss...
im sure u had great time there...;p
lets go together next time!
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