"I really miss you!"
Thanx dear. Your message made my day. It's been a while isn't it....Hey, just a couple more weeks to go and I'm off to c you again CWS. Don't worry dear. I'll get to u first when I'm home k..;p
In the mean time, I hope you're doing well with what you do best there! I kinda miss you afterall...it's been what...2 months already? Ahax... thanx for the beautiful friendship by the way. Luvya.
I have lotsa things to tell you..but I am not sure where to begin. A lot has changed and happened to me... Maybe it's good, maybe it's not...lets have a sharing session later...would love to hear things about you..I'm sure there's a lot buzzin there..(*wink*) Notty you..
Thanx for pushing me from the back when I'm falling. I thought you're gonna leave me like the rest of them..but..I was wrong...sorry tho for havin silly thot...I've always thot that I'm not good enuff to be your fren...ahax...
Hey, I really can't wait to rejoin you, Joe and Bob..(I hope Joe is not that 'skema' anymore..ahax) Shall we go to the Tanjong Jara beach like the last time? Or should we just go to Teluk Gadong? Oh well...sms me later k dear..
I love you, always...good luck with your study...gambatte!!! Ala..I'm sure you can make it thru...heard lotsa good remarks from them...*wink*... Till then, toodles CWS....
p/s-SMS me after you read this.
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