That morning, I went to his house. As I recall, he was still staying at SPK that time. The night before, when we were on phone, I asked if I could take him out the next day and he said yes.
He was a bit late (powdering and putting on make up I guess). Kidding. He bumped in and off, we left. He asked where we were heading to and I simply told him; "Kuantan jer, ECM ke". Oh before that, I made him promised to fulfill my requests and as usual, he said yes.
The first request I made was for him to open my present. As he was unwrapping it, he looked me in the eyes and shyly asked what it was. "Takde ape pun, but they're for you". He read the card first. Honestly, I did not know what took him so long to read the card but he was crying. :( I was clueless and I did not know what to do. "Alaa, nape nangis ni Di.." He was touched with what I wrote, I think. For what is worth buddy, I almost cried when you were crying.
Before I move on with my second request, the things I put in the gift box: A card, a blue-and-white t-shirt, a yellow t-shirt and a wallet. I then asked him if he would wear the yellow "The Simpson" t-shirt which I also wore on that day. I was actually ready for a 'No' answer but he said yes. So we were both wearing the same t-shirts. LOL
It was lunch time and we were hungry. He asked where would we have lunch and I told him I would like to grab a quick lunch at McDonalds Teluk Cempedak. So, we headed to Teluk Cempedak (TC). I told him to wait at the beach because I did not want to eat in the restaurant. I took his order and told him to wait as I would go and make the order.

What he did not know. First, I went looking for his fiancee; Rafaa (his wife now). We planned that earlier. I asked her to wait in the restaurant. It was extremely hot that day. She brought with her a birthday cake. I went inside and ordered us three meals with ice-creams for dessert. Honestly, the line was quite long. Pheww. We then set up the table and got ready. Originally, we wanted to do this surprise outside, or maybe near the beach. However, we could not stand the heat and the cake might have melted before we even started to sing. Next, I went looking for him. Poor him, he waited for almost 30 minutes, sitting near the beach.
"Di, tak jadi la makan kat sini, panas..kita makan kat dalam je la". He was okay with that. He looked very surprised seeing Rafaa in the restaurant. He looked at me and said; "Ko plan bende ni eh". We talked a bit and I told him that it was our (Rafaa and I) plan. He was feeling touchy for a while and we sang him the birthday song. The ice-cream was melting. I felt bad because Rafaa had series of bad cough plus slight fever that day. I thought I have had too much of sweet things that day. Yum yum.
I left those lovebirds for a while and I waited by the beach. There was this "Mr. Muscle" competition that day and those guys were competing and showing off their bodies to win. It was about 30 minutes and he came sitting next to me. "Ko plan sume ni eh Za..". Oh boy. It was out of his expectation that day. He almost cried though.
There were also people from "Herbalife" promoting their products and offered us free check-up. There was this lady entertaining us. She was explaining the products available from Herbalife. My buddy, he pretended to listen and asked about this and that. At the end of the day, we did not purchase anything from her. We did the free check-up though and we were healthy back then. Hehe. Randomly, we then took a photo with the lady who patiently explained about the products to us. She knew we were not interested in the products though. Sorry miss. It was fun. She did not get angry when we asked her a lot of nonsense questions. We then left her, hoping she would get more customers. I certainly miss this random moment. I guess, I miss you so much buddy!
We strolled for a while at the beach and took pictures. We even asked random people to take our pictures. A lady asked us; "Korang ni adik beradik ke ape?". We were laughing. Must be the shirts. Funny.
After that, we took off and headed to ECM. In the car, he was still talking about the "Plan". Again, he was being touchy. Oh buddy.
When we were at ECM, everybody was staring at if we did something wrong. Must be the shirts. As they were staring, they would laugh and gossip with their friends. We acted cool though. Suddenly my buddy wanted to buy a watch. He asked me if he could buy us identical watches. I was like "Why?". I had no idea why he wanted to buy new watches not just for him but also ME!
I said "Ok" and that was what he did. He bought us two identical watches and asked the salesgirl to take a photo of us wearing the watches. I felt touchy a bit. I was surprised though. Wait, it was not my birthday yet he wanted to buy me something special. Guess what buddy, you do not have to buy me things to make it "special". The time you spent with me. That's SPECIAL.
We walked and talked. We had dinner and headed home late that night. Oh boy, we were so happy. I was happy. Were you happy buddy? Thank you for letting me share your birthday like it was my own. Thank you for saying yes to all my requests that day. Thank you Di.
Today, it is your birthday again. I am not there to celebrate your birthday. :( I am sure Rafaa did well this time celebrating your special day. Happy birthday my buddy. Be special everyday eh Di. Thank you for everything Di. Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for your time.God, I miss my buddy so much...

Di, you came into my life and never left. You make me smile when I am sad. You tell me jokes when I had a stressful day. You sing me songs when I am down. You make me happy all the time. Di, I value our friendship more than you could ever imagine. You are so special in my life. Thank you so much Di.
Happy birthday to the one person who knows me better than anyone else in the world! I love you, always! I love you.
sgt2 terharu baca post kali ni... :(
thank you very much for being so nice to me.. love you forever :)
love you :)
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