Saturday, August 11, 2012

Dusty and Rusty

Woahh... What's going on? What's with the floor? What's that? What??? My goodness... I've left this page of mine for too long....... Way toooooo long!!! Dang it.

(Sigh). I wish I had more time to update and be updated with stuffs all around me. 
But, it's empty. I had nothing to write on last few decades. Merely due to exhaustion from my 24-hour workload per week. Naah, that's an excuse. A good one though.... especially when you add those with loads of assignments from your MA classes, loads of unnecessarily 'important' tasks for your company and not to mention my knotty family! I'm tangled within time and space continuum. I wish to be free!!!! Free from all those.....

Knock, knock.. reality check. Ops, still here...with the misery. Ha ha. Ok, I've rambled a lot...just to get this page going on...for a while, at least... 

Ok, before I end this piece of s***, let me share some words to ponder...It's from Mark Twain. Well, here it goes...

"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great ones make you feel that you too can become great."

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