Sunday, December 10, 2017



Meeting you for the first time is never a regret for me. Meeting you is by far one of the happiest turnouts events in my life. You are a kind person. A good friend indeed.

What I regret the most is... after many years of knowing US, one of us has changed. You used to back me up whenever I fall. You pushed me back up when I fell on the ground. You were my strength. Now, you've changed. You'd rather choose and back other people up. You chose to listen to others than what I had to say.

My fault. But I deserve this. WE deserve this! Let's just put an end to this. I loved you. I missed you so much. But what did I ever do to deserve this undeserving treatment you gave me? Why did u back him up? You knew nothing. You didn't know the story. You didn't know what happened. You SUCK!

Good luck with your life.

p/s - Had I known you were coming back to your hometown that day, I'd never come. I'm sorry I came unannounced. I just wanted to visit your family (whom I always think as my own family). That was darn awkward. I wish I could've avoided you but that was hard. Good to see you're happy though. Good for you.

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