Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Colorful path of teaching...

12 July 2010, Monday.

Hello! What's buzzing out there?

As usual, my life as an educator offers me a colorful walking pavement which I am enjoying it so far! ;p Today, I had classes for BEL311 and BEL011. The first class with my part three students was amazing! They participated and engaged themselves actively during my lessons. Today's topic was about "Making Generalization from the Text". I also taught them on how to be critical and how to cite sources (references). It was fun. Those kids are clearly young with fresh ideas inside their minds. It was amazing that some students managed to discuss about complicated things. Most of them still have problem to narrow and have a strong focus about their topics. Nevertheless, it was fun teaching them the theory behind APA references. The class went a bit 'overwhelmed' just now. I did a language game with them. Today, we have played "Funny Story". They gave me a topic which is; "Pimples". From there, we started to write sentences on a piece of paper. Then we folded the paper so that the rest cannot view our sentences. The trick is to write whatever comes to their mind, without focusing too much about the topic. At the end, we are supposed to have a series of unconnected stories which form the "Funny Story". It was fun. At the end of the class, I have selected some students to read the story out loud. Come to my surprise, the story has nothing to do with "Pimples"! It was funny. Some students wrote about "Nasi Lemak", "Wild imagination", "Heading to Bandar Jengka after class"….and the funniest was when a boy honestly wrote about his hidden feeling towards a girl in that class. It does not make any sense at all but that is the purpose; to create a funny story. Boy, you should look at their expression while presenting the story!!! They also learned on how to appropriately include the connectors etc.

I was a bit disappointed with my second class. The reason being is; there were some students (boys) who refused to participate and support each other. What happened??? I thought we are one family?! There was a moment when I felt like crying and I expressed my feeling by telling the class how sad I was for not having relevant support from them. It was also unfair for the rest of the class since everyone must present their speech. It's ok….I hope you guys can cooperate and help each other ok! As far as I remember, you (the responsible lads) still owe me the debt…I will claim it later. Other than that, I was also flabbergasted by some students who portrayed their bravery and tried to present in front with confidence! Congratulation guys! Credits go to Venesse, Kadijah Farah Farhana, Syimir, Ismail and basically everyone from that class…who have presented their insights! Kudos guys! I wish to see more courage from the rest of you guys! I also played a language game (Funny Story) with this class. Their topic was about; "Shoes". Only the difference is; they focused too much about the topic rather than writing from whatever comes in their heads… Yeah, we managed to pull through and have fun with each other. I just hope those boys can cooperate and participate during the next lesson. Or maybe my approach was not reachable to those kids???! (Sigh). I start to wonder…could it be that they just did not understand what I have been saying and that's why they did not participate? Perhaps. I MUST DO SOMETHING!

I still love both of my classes and there will be plenty of time to explore their potential individually! I wish you guys all the best and may you succeed in life, ameen.

Ok, moving on…I still have not found a decent place to stay. The hunt is still on. I just hope to get a nice house to live before the semester ends.

Today's lesson in a capsule: "What kind of room which has no doors and windows???" The answer is: "MUSHROOM". LOL.

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