Monday, July 13, 2009

Week 4, Day 1 - Day 5 T_T

Week 4. 6-10 July 2009. It started off pretty blissfully with 2C. (Heaven sound, Tadaaa)...'s a good was....till 2D played its part. Hmmm... They were just so rude. How annoying. That's my Monday blues.

Tuesday. What??? 2D again? I've begged my mentor not to walk in 2D again...because they just don't want to listen! He laughed and said.."Niza, tell you something...I've been there, done that.." Hoho...seems like he's already 'patah hati' with 2D. Good for you guys!

I still can't believe for myself when they vocally 'assault' me; "Ala, cikgu makan gaji buta la mcm ni....". WOW! (In front of the teacher's room) I replied; "Kepala hotak ko!!! I've provided everything, I photocopied everything with my OWN money...and what did you do?? You throw them away...buang kertas2 tu, koyakkan...!!!" How dare them....T_T..ops..this is one of my Monday blues actually...

Pass. Wednesday. 2D today! It's 1C, 1E and 2C. For Moral, I taught them Chapter 17, Menjaga Alam Sekitar. As homework, I asked them to draw a poster...ahax... For 2C....I did a recap for my Summary lesson on Monday. Good job guys!

Thursday. 2D again...Uwaaa...can somebody please jab me with a small pin, pleaseee... After the meeting... I started my MEAN treatment to them. Suddenly I have became a bitchy guy. Whenever they ask something, I just reply in a cold manner. Suits them however. Only with that, I noticed they finally listen! Hmm... "X nak blajar sudah..., malas aku nak layan ko". For 2D, I had to use "Aku", "Ko".

Friday. Gosht. Dr Izaham came to observe me. It's a double observation day! Together with my mentor; Mr Arud, they observed me. It's 2C. Thank goodness! Wow. They were actually well-behaved. I was surprised that even Farid remained on his seat, without moving anywhere like his typical behavior. Thank you guys. So, I got a good review from both of them; my supervisor and Mr Arud. After the review/reflection part, Dr Izaham gave me a simple gift which he bought from Barcelona. Thank you sir!!!!

Oh boy. Every dark cloud has its silver lining. That's my silver lining for week 4 I guess.

It's been a month zap boing...

Well, that's a wrap for week 4 and also for Month 1!

Toodles ;p

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