Friday, June 12, 2009

Besarnye dugaan....Kenape?

Adoi....there's too much going on lately.....lepas satu, datang lagi satu....adoi..selalu complain ke aku ni???

I don't understand why most people can be happy while I'm sweeping the dust of life. Whenever I smile, I will cry a minute later...why can't I keep the happiness for long?

Life is meaningless without the ones you love. I keep telling people: "People come and people go!" But, when it happens to me, I can't really keep my sanity for long.... Am I that miserable? Is this fair?

Losing him the past 21 May 2009 has really dragged me down the ground. I am over it now. Thank you to Mr Time for healing the wound.

That is not it. A lady; Julia Fardilla is suffering from cancer. She has been struggling with the disease for almost a year now. The doctor said, I quote "Late detection ni...".

We have been trying on many things...countless effort...the radiotherapies, kemotherapies, whatever pills and injections..u name it... It should have worked! It MUST! I want it to work!!!!! Be it public or private...all does not seem to really work... Why???? Why??? I won't stop questioning till You give me a concrete answer!

Today, I texted someone. He informed me of a heartbreaking news. It has been two weeks now that she can't eat. WTF???? I'm sorry for the curse...but seriously??? What kind of game is this????? Sick.....

She is supposed to undergo an operation... However, due to her condition, it can't be done.... or else........ I don't wanna say it.... All I ask is for her to be happy again... I still remember the scrumtuous taste of her Nasi Tomato last time...she made it specially for me coz I personally asked her to..... I want her to be able to cook whatever we wish to have again! Just like before... am I asking too much???

What about her two little babies? Who will take care of them???? She should get up from bed and cuddle them whenever they cry!!!! Not someone else!!!! Fuck on life! Sucks....

I hope she will be ok.....I hope Mr Hope will drop by and knock our door...please..I am begging her...don't make her suffer like this! Please.... Please.... Please......

I love her! Surprisingly, yes! She is an angel brought down from heaven to light our house of doom! What will I do without her???? I am not ready for this! I don't remember signing up for this thing to happen? Is this part of the deal???? How unfair....

Suddenly, I am thinking about a person; Abdullah. Will he be able to handle this? Suddenly, I can clearly see his sacrifice...all this while... How selfish I have become all the way through... I am should have not kept it a secret from me.. I am not 12 anymore!!!!

Ya Allah, I beg you to stop her pain! Pleaseeeeeeee... I am begging You.... Please... Switch it on me! It would be an honour to take her place, please......

1 comment:

b0b0y said...

besarnya angka berat badan i.. erkkk larikkkk!! heeeee